I want to look back and know that I was terrible at a variety of things.”
- Jon Stewart,
writer, producer, director, actor
Laura Riekki founded Hello Marketing Department almost by accident when a friend asked for help writing content. Then more people asked for more kinds of help. Referral after referral, her clientele grew. Laura realized:
she finally found work that was challenging, varied, and made her happy;
there is a real need among professional firms and small businesses for flexible, responsive marketing services;
business owners enjoy having one point of contact to get it done, whatever ‘it’ is.
After more than fifteen years of experience in non-profits, sales, marketing, and development, Laura gained a lot of skills and experience that made Hello Marketing Department possible. She built websites before Wordpress was a thing, and developed company training materials, manuals, promotional videos, advertisements, publications and other marketing projects. She successfully wrestled large government applications, and as a grant writer, won more than a million dollars in funding within two years.
During weekends and early mornings she’s most likely painting or coaching rowing. She likes taking new classes, playing survival of the fittest with her plants (“gardening”) and spending time with family, friends and pets.